因為一些需要,我的電腦裡面會使用Virtual Box來模擬出一個OS,像是現在許多軟體都還沒有支援Win 7(而且Win 8都已經在試用了)。為此,方便使用一些軟體,我還是在電腦用VB裝了一個XP OS。
使用Virtual Box我最常遇到的問題是裝置驅動的問題,尤其像是USB熱插拔的裝置,有很多驅動雖然相容XP,但是插入電腦,往往看到Virtual Box沒有反應,或是跳出錯誤,例如:"Usb device with UUID ...... is busy with a previous request. please try again later......"。這樣若需要控制USB裝置的話,有了驅動問題就變得很麻煩。
Re: USB not working
by nayasis » 24. Feb 2011, 10:14
I've got solution finally... T-T
(It seems like problem of window 7)
1. My Host is window 7 32bit home premium. But, 64bit's solution may be same because problem was caused by USB filtering function of WINDOW 7.
2. first of all, edit your registry
- Open the Windows registry, by clicking on Start > Run and typing regedit
- Navigate to the following location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}- In the right hand panel, if the the UpperFilters entry exists, then delete it
3. Install virtualbox USB driver manually.
- Goto folder C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\USB\filter- Click right mouse button on file named VboxUSBMon.inf- Check Install(I) (maybe.. My window is korean so it dose not exact. )
4. Rebooting
5. Unplug your USB memory (or joystick..)
6. Open VirtualBox and Close it rightly.
( it will remove your USB device from VM's seized list. )
7. Plug your USB memory.
8. Open VirtualBox and Run Virtual Machine.
9. Click right mouse button on USB icon placed in status bar which is below VM window.
10. Check USB device what you want to plug in.
11. Enjoy !!
** notice !!
Do not chain your USB device like snake. for example... A usb bridge <- B usb device... and check B usb device in VM. like this...
to use B usb device, you must check A usb bridge first !... it's so complicate..