星期一, 5月 31, 2010

Ember em35x燒錄注意事項


AIR是另外買的,且IAR的IDE不能將程式燒錄到em375晶片裡,所以根據"EM35x User Guide",想要做Debug,請依照以下步驟:

1. Start IAR Embedded Workbench. Open the workspace (*.eww).
2. Select Project > Options. Select the Debugger > J-Link/J-Trace category. Select the Connection tab.
3. Select TCP/IP Communication and enter the IP address of the ISA3. Click OK.
4. Embedded Workbench is not able to program the flash on the EM357. Every time the project is re-built, you must manually load it onto the EM357 (**using em3xx_load.exe) before starting a debug session.
5. Once the correct image has been loaded onto the EM357, select Project > Debug without Downloading to start the debug session.

**:這是em357燒錄程式:使用方式是,當你經過IAR IDE編譯過source code 後,會再編譯的資料夾多一個"某某.s37"的檔案,通常預設某某就是你Project的名稱,所以整個燒錄的過程是在Ms-Dos 底下,在產生某某.s37檔案的資料夾路徑下,鍵入

em3xx_load.exe 某某.s37


